Josie Dreamz

written by Danielle Brown

illustrated by Nikki Howard

Introducing 'Josie Dreamz,' a captivating children's book series that takes young readers on an enchanting journey around the world. Join Josie as she embarks on a magical adventure to a new country in each book, where she makes a new friend and explores their unique culture. Together, they share heartwarming meals, exchange smiles, and learn a few key phrases in the local language. Through these charming adventures, Josie and her new friends discover that despite their different languages and cuisines, they are more alike than different. 'Josie Dreamz' is a delightful way to introduce children and their families to the beauty of diverse cultures, fostering love, language, and acceptance. Join Josie in spreading the message that we are all God's children, celebrating the richness of our world's cultural tapestry, one story at a time.

Dream with Josie

When Josie dreams, she goes to places she has never seen. Every night she closes her eyes with wonder and travels to faraway places.